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The Babylon-System
20. June 2021

Over and over again people take to the street to protest against environmental destruction, corruption and self-glorifying governments. They go against a system that is destroying our world. In this connection the term “Babylon” comes up. 

The Bible tells us that God challenged early humankind with delusions of grandeur and pride. The story of the tower of Babel became the symbol of arrogance and insolence. Who is surprised that, in the last book of the Bible, Babylon is a synonym for a sick, egocentric system that, at the end, will break from greed, immorality and power. 

Many of the young protesters probably do not know these biblical references. They fight against an egocentric or totalitarian system that cannot be changed through new faces or even the force of weapons. The longed for peace, falls by the wayside. 

Then they said, “Come. Let’s build a city for ourselves. Let’s build a tower that reaches to the sky. We’ll make a name for ourselves. Then we won’t be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

Genesis 11,4

What we really need is a revolution of hearts. This change is made by the Holy Spirit in people who submit to the Price of Peace in humility and obedience.

Scripture of the week: Revelations 18

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