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The little girl`s question.
3. February 2020

When the first Russian astronaut, Juri Gagarin, announced in 1961 that he had not seen God in space, a 12-year-old girl from Gothenburg, Sweden wrote him the following: “Dear Astronaut Gagarin, I have heard that you have been to space and that you have not seen God. May I ask if you have a pure heart?” (Matthew 5:8)

In contrast, Apollo 15 Astronaut, James Irwin had a completely different experience. He shared with the world that “the entire space achievement is put in proper perspective when one realizes that God walking on the earth is more important than man walking on the moon.” (J. Irwin, 1983). He goes on to say that we only see what our hearts let us see.  We can see God’s glory, love, and blessings, both in space and on earth, when we have God in our hearts. He experienced this again and again throughout his life and shared how God had met and spoken to him.

I want to encourage you to take the time to ask God to purify your heart. Ask him to open your eyes to the beauty he has created all around you, and in Him. A great way to see God’s goodness is by writing a list of what you’re thankful for. Find at least 20 things and write them down. Continue this every day for this week, and of course longer if you’d like, to see how a little bit of daily thanksgiving with God will be a transforming experience.

“God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.”

Matthew 5:8

Is your heart truly happy?

Weekly text: Matthew 5:1-12

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