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What does the cross mean to me?
5. April 2020

An innocent man was nailed onto the cross. This was the “normal” way to kill criminals at that time back in the Roman Empire, but of course not for someone innocent.  

If anyone was ever innocent – it was Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The Roman ruler, Pontius Pilate, did not believe Jesus was guilty. He made a half-hearted attempt to save Jesus but gave up in the end. Jesus was executed. The crowd raged: “Away with him! Crucify him!” So Jesus Christ died an agonizing death, not because of anything he did wrong, but because of your sin and mine. He took the burden in our place and died a criminal’s death.

I know this may be hard to take in, but don’t just brush over it. Jesus died on that cross for us, so we could be freed from our sins and our burdens. So now, we can walk in the presence of God, completely clean. The things in your life that are holding you down, Jesus died for it, you are free in his presence. The mistakes you have made, they are forgiven.  

The cross is an invitation: Come to Jesus! Throw off your load and give it to HIM! You may continue your way through life relieved because HE carried what you (and I) neither can nor should carry.  

“Christ has rescued us.“

Galatians 3:13a

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