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Joy that remains

There was a man, a woman and a child. Nothing special in this barn and yet, everything was very special. There was joy in the air that went beyond the barn. Now they could feel the child. They have never felt anything like it in their hearts. They burst from joy even though everything was the way they had imagined. But the joy remained in their hearts. It didn’t go away. It was so massive that they had to tell everyone in the village what had happened.

What do you say about this fantastic event?

Once again, I want to be inspired by this Christmas joy and spread the word like the shepherds did. This way the peace that goes beyond all thinking, turns into love and lights up our lives so our joy is complete. Yes, that is Christmas as the savior of the world has truly come to reconcile us with God.

When did you take the step to reconcile with God?

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

Lukas 2, 20
Author of this text
Dan Fuhrimann

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