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  • God loves without limits
  • this can be experienced in real life
  • He is thinking of you

  • weekly inputs

Who Belongs?

In life, we try to satisfy a deep need. We want to belong to a family, a group, a club, or to a certain ethnic group....


It was just before noon and people were coming into our office. They had traveled for over an hour and I did not...

Is patience worth it?

My alarm clock is going off endlessly. Half awake, the harsh reality is getting to me! I want to return to the world...

Who is trustworthy?

You have won 1 million! That's the headline on the email. If I click on the link, I would be a victim to the scam....

Just lucky?

When I tried to avoid a stone on the narrow alpine road, there was a huge bang. Our car shook violently. Concerned, I...

His Goal was Success

Actually, he has everything he needs. He has good food to eat, he can pay his bills, and he is happy with his job. His...

Encouraging topics for your soul

Taking breaks is healthy!Treat yourself to a time-out and discover „God loves you“. Linger on the words that touch your heart. Soak in God’s thoughts, as if there were essential vitamins for your soul.

Do you have any questions?

Do you have questions about the content? Are you looking for a personal relationship with God? Get in touch with us. Your information will be handled with absolute confidentiality.

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