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Start Signal for the Rescue Mission
21. December 2020

God sent his only son into this world to make peace. He launched the most spectacular rescue mission of all times! Sin destroyed our relationship with our creator. In Jesus Christ, he stretched out his loving and reconciling hand. Christmas is the answer to the deepest human desire: Peace with God.

The child in the manger becomes the redeemer of humanity. On his shoulders rests our entire punishment. He serves the death sentence due to our sin. Jesus was just born and his parents had to flee with him so he wouldn’t be murdered. 

With his perfect life, Jesus pays for our guilt which consists mostly of us turning away from him. The hatred of man he redeems with love and offers forgiveness. This is his Christmas present. The one who unpacks and discovers it daily will be surprised every day. 

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

Scripture of the week: The Christmas Story in Matthew 1, 18-25 und 2,1-23

Read the Christmas story in Luke 2 with your family and friends and talk about it.

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