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Acceptance Refused!
24. September 2023

In a friendly way, the mailman places my mail into my hand. One particular envelope really catches my eye. I check out who the sender is and, without second thought, tell him to take it back with him. “Acceptance Refused” is what he writes on it! Only years later did I find out that I had turned down a wonderful offer.

Thankfully, this is not the way that I’ve handled God’s love letter. Unfortunately, many “refuse” his offer, which determines the difference between life and death. Maybe the mail carrier is not likable, the “envelope color” isn’t “trendy” enough, or you’re simply in a bad mood. Some refuse the acceptance with full awareness because God is the sender, and, for whatever reason, they want nothing to do with him.

Please read God’s love letter (the Bible)! He wants to offer you eternal, abundant life. Would you like to find out more?

He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

John 1:11

Relevant Scripture: Luke 19:1-27

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